About US

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."
Matthew 18:20


Main Campus

12200 W HWY 44, Rapid City, SD, 57702
SERVICE TIMES: 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Rimrock Main is the first of two campuses that make up Rimrock church, founded in 1980. Our focus is to experience God, embrace faith, and engage others. We want to grow in Christ as one community. Our desire is to create an environment where people can experience the presence of God together, and freely worship Him.


507 Main St., Rapid City, SD, 57701
SERVICE TIMES: 8:30 & 10:30 AM
Our Downtown campus was started back in 2012 by Steve Balsley, the head pastor of Rimrock, with the vision of Jesus’ followers living and breathing in the heart of the city.  What started as a place for small groups to meet throughout the week has grown into a legitimate campus with a community of hundreds of people that gather regularly.
RD has a full bi-vocational staff that lead our community in studying the Bible, many different types of social gatherings, worship, and pouring God’s truth and life into our kids.

Our Ministries

Our Main Campus Youth Ministry is made up of Middle School and High School ages. Our mission is to teach God's truths and equip young adults for the challenges of living in this world.
The Kid's Ministry is made up of several parts: Nursery, Preschool and Grade School which function on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights. Our desire and hope is to see your kids, marriage and family grow in the love, grace, and power of the Lord.
Our prayer is that God uses Rimrock to assist your climb into the “abundant” life which Christ has for you. That through the small group opportunities and Bible and book studies, He will meet you where you are to encourage, challenge, and instruct you to the full life He has in store for you.