welcome to rimrock

Our vision is to be a Community being Transformed by Jesus Christ while we:
"Experience God, Embrace Grace and Engage Others."

Where To Start?

plan a visit

Join us on Sunday morning at either campus! We provide nursery care, as well as kids, youth, and adult ministries. Hope to see you there!
Rimrock Main Campus:
Services at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
12200 W Hwy 44, Rapid City, SD 57702
Rimrock Downtown Campus:
Services at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM
507 Main St. Rapid City, SD 57701

First Step

First step is an hour long class designed to help you get to know Rimrock. This is a casual opportunity for you to learn how to connect, meet new friends, ask questions, and visit with church elders and staff members. This class is offered periodically on Sundays at both campuses. Be watching in the bulletin and/or weekly emails for details on when the next class is being offered. For more information email Julie at the main campus, getconnected@rimrockchurch.com, or at our downtown campus, Chris chris@rimrockchurch.com.

What We Believe

In short, Rimrock affirms the Evangelical Free Church of America's statement of faith. We strive to make mature disciples in an environment that reflects the following core values: relationship, truth, grace, relevance and unity. Our purpose, is to be a community being transformed by Jesus Christ. For more information on this, check out what we believe.

Get Connected

Here are some ways to get connected at Rimrock:
  • If you haven't done it before, fill out a Connect Form. We will get in touch with you.
  • Join one of our small groups.
  • Volunteer: A great way to get to know new people is through joining a volunteer team. This can be anything from the sound crew to holiday decorating, or joining a ministry group such as the prayer shall ministry.  To volunteer, email: getconnected@rimrockchurch.com
  • Check out our community groups (all kinds of epic activities here: hiking, men's breakfast, prayer shawl ministry). Email getconnected@rimrockchurch.com

Still Have Questions?

No Problem! Let us Know at Getconnected@rimrockchurch.com

Campus Locations

Main Campus

12200 W HWY 44, Rapid City SD 57702

Downtown Campus

507 Main St, Rapid City SD 57701