Missions & impact

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

The mission of Rimrock Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- Mathew 28:19

The Vision

The vision of Rimrock Church is create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 
Local Missions

Love Inc.

A local ministry that helps people in the community with moves, and life classes. To get involved, or if you would like information about Love INC ministry and building projects, contact Gene Ligtenberg at glligtenberg@gmail.com

Hands of Faith Ministry

Hands of Faith Ministry (HOF) helps disciple and train Pine Ridge men in trades; to help them become more responsible husbands, dads, and leaders within the community.

Native American Ministries

Native American Ministry's purpose is to follow the Lord as we come alongside evangelical Native American ministries to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and encourage their missionaries.

Ted Standing Soldier

serves with the SD FCA. Click here for more info for the FCA Native American Ministry: http://westriverfca.org/native-american-ministry - He grew up in Kyle, SD and is currently coaching numerous teams. He is devoted to sharing Christ with the youth and their families and feels sports provide the perfect platform to do so.

Cornerstone Rescue Mission

Mend Ministry

Regularly, our youth group or adult groups cook and serve dinner at the Cornerstone Mission. If you are interested in helping serve, contact the church office at  office@rimrockchurch.com.
MEND Ministry: We're seeking volunteers to help provide durable medical equipment (e.g., walkers, wheelchairs) to those in need. Partnering with Love INC, Rimrock Church is meeting these practical needs while sharing the love of Christ through action, kindness, and prayer. There are volunteer opportunities for people with basic medical knowledge, delivery services, direct participant ministry, coordination, and administration. Visit Rimrock Mend to get involved. Pastor Chris will be in touch as the ministry develops.
World Missions
Rimrock's desire is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the World.  Following Christ’s command (Acts 1:8) we start in our Jerusalem (Rapid City) and expand to Judea (Black Hills Region), Samaria (USA), and the ends of the earth.  Our World Mission Team follows the Lord in leading Rimrock to “the ends of the earth” with a vision to partner with international and cross-cultural missionaries.  God has blessed this desire with some incredible missionary partners; some raised at Rimrock, all whom we have grown to love, have assisted with short-term teams, and provide financial assistance to build deep meaningful relationships.
We also want to encourage Rimrockers to follow, experience, and reflect the Lord to the ends of the earth. We enjoy being a resource of prayer, encouragement, and financial assistance as He leads us to partner with short-term missionaries. To apply for short-term mission support, fill out the application. If you have questions, please email Kelly Weischedel, our Missions Coordinator at missions@rimrockchurch.com.

Goals For Our Ministry

Praying for the Ministries and Missionaries
 Encouraging Missionaries on the Field
 Informing Rimrock goers of Ministry Opportunities
 Going to serve with the Missionaries
International Partnerships

International Students (ISI)

South of the Border

Kevin and Heather Fannin, along with their team, provide hospitality, love, and care for college students as they come from around the world to Rapid City for their education. They have a desire to intentionally share the Gospel of Christ. Are you interested in helping an international student feel welcome? Some ways include: inviting students to join you in activities as a “friendship family”, helping at the International House, contributing to meals once per semester, and greeting students when they attend our services. Kevin and Heather can be reached at thefannins@gmail.com.
Since 1997, Rimrock has partnered with ministries in three countries
Latin America. Currently, we partner with INCRESE, Costa Rica, which trains pastors/church leaders. Costa Rica is strategic in that it is often a training center for Latin America. We have sent teams to serve alongside national churches through medical, construction, kids/youth ministry, and outreach; all with an emphasis on training/encouraging leaders. If you are interested in joining a team or hearing more about the SOTB ministry, contact Mike Hays at mdhays@juno.com.


India Evangelical Team (IET)

The Omat Family: Friday, Karen, Malachi, Miriam, and Judah Omot serve with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) in Northern Kenya, at Northern Bible Training Center. Their goal is to equip and disciple young men and women from Unreached People Groups with a deeper understanding of the Gospel. Karen is the daughter of former pastor Steve and Marsha Balsley and she grew up in Rimrock. The Omats desire to see the Gospel go from locals to their own people, helping people to worship the Lord in their own languages and cultures. If you would like to get specific prayer points and news, contact Kelly Weischedel at missions@rimrockchurch.com.

Our five-year partnership (2018-2022) with IET afforded Rimrock Church the opportunity to support 30 pastors who carried the Gospel message to an unreached area of Central India, which resulted in the birth of 82 new churches. The church also supported special projects for IET, including our kids ministry donating funds to buy bikes and bibles, as well as the church supporting emergency Covid relief food distribution, the purchase of motorcycles and helping to buy a warm coat for pastors. Finally, our church prays regularly for our missionary partners at IET, helping to form a friendly bond between Rimrock and the Global Church. If you feel compelled to learn more or wish to become involved in the
partnership between Rimrock and IET, contact Chris Doyle at the_doyles @ yahoo.com.

Prayer for other partners

Prayer for other partners: Rimrock supports other missionaries who work in sensitive countries with financial and prayer support. Would you like to hear more about how you can pray specifically? Contact Kelly Weischedel at missions@rimrockchurch.com.

Further Support

The Rimrock World Missions Team supports missionaries, in addition to those already listed. Due to safety and security reasons, we do not publish their information. If you are interested in learning more about these ministries, feel free to contact Kelly Weischedel at missions@rimrockchurch.com.

Iet kingdom partnership

Upcoming Opportunities

Retreat Volunteers - Thrive (thriveministry.org)